Wild Food Café, London, UK

Joel and Aiste Gazdar, the proprietors of the Wild Food Café, operate two restaurants in the London districts of Islington and Covent Garden. They have been using GRANDER® water revitalization for almost ten years now.

The combined expertise of the two restaurant owners encompasses more than 30 years of experience in integral practices of wellbeing, including raw food, herbalism, nutrition, astrology, yoga and other holistic movement and personal development practices. Having traveled the globe intensively and drawing inspiration from herbalist traditions of different parts of the world, they opened the first of their two restaurants shortly after meeting each other.


It is their goal to offer ‘a new generation plant-based cuisine’ that brings the most benefit and least suffering to all beings – in a way that is most nourishing, delicious, and inspiring. In creating their recipes, they take care to include as many wild, unusual spices and superfoods as possible. They also respect seasonality and the natural rhythms of the cosmos by directly engaging with small-scale organic and biodynamic growers. In this way, their restaurants’ cuisine fuses wild and local British ingredients with flavor-packed global influences.


It almost goes without saying that Joel and Aiste Gazdar also pay close attention to the water used in preparing their meals. They say, ‘It is refreshing to remember that we are all of the same water which has been proven to hold memory and contains this infinite potential of all that has been and that will be. With that in mind, we strive to use the best water available to match the frequency and enhance the vibration of fresh and wild foods that we use in our kitchen every day.’


This is why GRANDER® plays a key role in both Wild Food Café restaurants.


Learn more in the video:


  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "I didn't discover water revitalisation, rather I was allowed to find it."

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