Water Symposium: #waterrevolution4.0

Water Symposium: #waterrevolution4.0 Water Symposium: #waterrevolution4.0
Water, the source of all life, is fundamentally basic and profoundly mysterious at the same time. Researchers keep unveiling new findings about water that change the way we think about the element.

To celebrate the 40th business anniversary of GRANDER®, IPF Implosions Photonenfeld Forschung und Vertrieb GmbH will host a refreshing water symposium that will revolutionize what we know and understand about water.


Top representatives of the global water industry and research community will travel to Kitzbühel to attend the international symposium under the slogan #waterrevolution4.0. Renowned and widely known speakers will address the state of the art in water research and open up new perspectives to the visitors.


These aspects are reflected in the symposium’s slogan: a revolution is a profound change in the existing research on a topic. 4.0 emphasizes that uncovering new knowledge about water is a still ongoing process that has already seen many revolutions in the past.


Prof. Dr.ir. C.J.N. (Cees) Buisman is one of the renowned scientists who will attend the congress. He is the scientific director of WETSUS, the largest water research organization in the EU.

Dr. Elmar Fuchs heads the Applied Water Physics research group, of which GRANDER® is a member, at WETSUS. He will talk about the latest findings regarding the floating water bridge, a fascinating symbiosis of water and electricity, and present a water phenomenon that helps explain a part of the GRANDER® effect.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter C. Dartsch is a biochemist and expert in human physiology as well as workplace and environmental toxicology. He also heads an institute specialized in cytological research. He will discuss the impact of GRANDER® water on human cells.

Professor Yuri Rakhmanin is a world-renowned expert in the field of water research. The former Russian delegate on the topic of water at the WHO currently advises more than 20 institutions in Russia and, among other things, supervised the health experiments carried out at the space station Mir.

Dr. Bernhard Pollner knows much about an unknown world: the natural bacterial flora found in untreated water. These bacteria have received very little attention to date – not least because it is so difficult to conventionally grow them. New procedures, however, allow researchers to detect and describe every single bacterium found in water. Dr. Pollner will address the fascinating findings gained through a combination of flow cytometric methods and analysis algorithms.

Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Astrid Paulitsch-Fuchs will discuss how the availability of calcium impacts microorganisms in water. She will also talk about the factors influencing its availability, complementing the contribution by Dr. Fuchs. Dr. Paulitsch-Fuchs’ research opens up a whole new chapter in water biology.

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "There are no two waters alike."

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