GRANDER® Plastic Reusable Cups

Crystal clear, stylish and practical

The GRANDER® plastic reusable cup is crystal clear with a stylish, simple shape and a capacity of 0.2 l.

The GRANDER® cups are used primarily in spa areas, gyms, medical practices, companies, public buildings, events, etc.

The GRANDER® reusable plastic cups are sturdy, food safe, easy to clean and dishwasher safe. They look like glass and are unbreakable, lightweight and reusable.

Printed with the original blue GRANDER® logo they are the ideal complimentary accessory to the stylish GRANDER® drinking fountains.

The cups help in the reduction of waste as well as saving energy and resources, thus protecting the environment .

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Microwaves disturb the earth's natural vibrations."

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